Efficient and Simple Job Ad Posting on Online Newspapers

The Challenges of Posting Vacant Positions on Online Newspapers đ
Many recruiters tells us advertising job openings on online newspapers can feel like a headache. Media outlets offer a range of formats and prices, making it hard to get a clear overview of the offer and even harder to present this to clients.
And then thereâs the issue of control. Once you involve a salesperson, you lose the control you want. Suddenly, youâre spending a lot of time negotiating prices, formats, and publication periods, especially timeconsuming it becomes when dealing with multiple online newspapers.
Why Advertising on Online Newspapers Is Important for Recruitment
Whatâs great about online newspapers? They reach everyone!
Leaders, job seekers, and even those just casually browsing, they all visit online newspapers multiple times a day to stay updated on whatâs happening in their region. If youâre recruiting for a leadership position, you willf or sure reach your audience here.
Sometimes you need to advertise in multiple online newspapers to cover your target area and get enough attention for the job opening. With Lyll, you can easily select both local and national newspapers, all with just a click and geo-taregting.
We recently got great feedback from a recruitment agency thatâs used Lyll multiple times. They told us that when they advertise on online newspapers, they almost exclusively get relevant candidates. Other channels often generate a mix of applications, sometimes too many and not always qualified, but with online newspapers, they receive fewer, more well-qualified applicants. We loved hearing that :-)
Fewer applicants mean less administration, but better hires as you connect with the best candidates.
The Solution: Post Job Ads Easily with Lyll
With Lyll, you handle the publishing process yourself! Itâs so simple that anyone can do it. We promise!
The platform is designed to be intuitive, but we also have a customer chat support (with real people đ ) if you get stuck or have questions.
Creating an account is free and nyou only pay for published ads, so log in and take a look. Weâd also be happy to arrange a virtual meeting to show you and your colleagues how to quickly post ads yourself.
When youâre ready to start, you can pay by card or invoice.
Your Bonus
The recruitment agency is the sender of the job ad on behalf of the company hiring. That means for every ad view your client pays for, your own brand gains visibility in the region, too.
And where do you reach all the business leaders who will need recruitment services in the futureâŠ? Exactly đ
This way, while youâre finding the best candidates, youâre also preparing for your next assignment.
The Advantages of Lyll: From Price Transparency to the Pause Button
You can find the pricing (CPM) in the calculator to the right after entering your budget, and you can track your results live in the dashboard.
Want to stop an ad because youâve already found the right candidate? No problem, we have a pause button so you do not spend more than necessesary.
With Lyll, publishing job ads on online newspapers is no longer complicated or expensive.
Good luck with your next recruitment đ„