
Affordable Online Newspaper Advertising for All Companies

Affordable Online Newspaper Advertising for All Companies

Quick look at the highlights

  • Online newspaper advertising is an effective way to reach a broad audience and build brand awareness.
  • Lyll offers affordable and competitive rates for ad placement in digital newspapers and magazines
  • Online newspapers have a premium audience with an income above average.
  • Lyll ensures that your campaign only reaches the right publishers and secures brand safety
  • Measuring the success is important and can be done through key metrics and tracking performance in e.g Google Analytics using an UTM.


Newspaper advertising has always been popular whether you are a small business looking to reach a local audience or a larger company with national reach. Lyll can even help you place your ads in the right online newspapers, magazines and industry specific websites across Europe.

The Value of Online Newspaper Advertising

Newspaper advertising is a powerful tool for businesses to reach their target market, whether it is B2C or B2B. One of the reasons is that placing your ad next to paid content affects how your brand is perceived. The articles in the digital newspaper are trusted content, that trust effects your brand and trust boost conversion.

The value of newspaper advertising has only grown as they have the potential to reach a large audience. Several publishers offer far more visitors a day than any social media channel.

Combining this broad marketing channel with more narrow targeting in social media should secure your growth.

Online newspaper advertising is also a cost-effective way to build brand awareness. Compared to other forms of advertising such as television or radio, online newspaper ads are generally more affordable. This allows businesses with smaller budgets to still have a presence in mass media and reach a larger audience.

Additionally, with Lyll, online newspaper campaigns become more flexible, allowing businesses to change and update their ads as needed.

Why Digital Marketers Choose Online Newspapers and Magazines

Digital marketers choose online newspapers for advertising because they offer several advantages. Here are a few reasons why online newspapers are popular:

  • Wide reach: Online newspapers have a large and diverse readership, allowing advertisers to reach the mass market.
  • Target market: Digital marketers can create their ads to specific demographics and interests the readers might have, adopt the message to the publisher/channel
  • Look big(ger): All leading brands use online newspapers in the marketing mix. When you do the same... well..

Brand Building Through Persistent Advertising = Growth

Brand building is an essential part of any business's marketing strategy, and newspaper advertising can play a crucial role in this process.

Persistent advertising, which involves consistently running ads over a period of time, can have a significant impact on brand building. By appearing regularly in newspapers, businesses can create brand awareness and familiarity among their target audience.

It takes time to get know a brand, and research shows that a brand building campanig should run for at least 6 months. After six months you will start to see the effect, so be patient, and the reward will come.

If your ads are good you can leave them running for 2 years. This is the secret to growth with a minimum of effort ;-)

When consumers see a brand consistently in newspapers, they are more likely to perceive it as reliable and trustworthy. This leads to increased brand loyalty, sales growth and customer retention.

Overall, persistent advertising in newspapers help businesses establish a strong presence in the market. Think about the "all over" approach large brands like Nike, and British Airways has!

Now your brand can grow using the same familiar strategy.

The Premium Audience of Online Newspapers and Magazines

Online newspapers and magazines have a premium audience with an income above average.

Their readers are interested in current events, news, and various topics like sports, politics and economy. Whether it's a national newspaper or a niche magazine, the readership is often engaged and actively seeking information.

People tend to be more positive to ads in these contexts, again affecting the impression of your brand.

Demographics and Reach: Who You're Talking To

It is important to understand the demographics and reach of the readership. What profile do they have?
If you advertise in a local digital newspaper you want to reach everyone, but in a large online newspaper you might want to use geo targeting.

Here is a breakdown of the demographics and reach of some online newspapers:

Newspaper: The Daily Mail
Demographics: Wide range of demographics including both men and women, primarily in the UK

Reach: Over 2 million readers

The Guardian

Highly educated and politically engaged readers, primarily in the UK

Reach: Over 1.5 million readers

The Sun

Demographics vary but primarily appeals to a younger audience

Reach: Over 3 million readers

The Times

Affluent and well-educated readers, primarily in the UK

Reach: Over 400,000 readers

Local Newspapers

Your favorite customer profile :-) Near and dear.

It is rather easy to steal marketshares if your busniness area is small.

Ad Placement Affordable and Effective

Lyll is the leading platform in Europe for affordable and effective online newspaper ad placement. We offer competitive rates and a wide range of newspapers to choose from, allowing businesses to find the best options that fit their budget in 9 European countries.

Lyll allows businesses with limited budgets to still have a presence in newspapers and reach a larger audience. The low CPM will suprise you!

Our mission is to democratizes the buying process making this premium ad space available to all advertisers!

Comparing Costs: Lyll vs. Traditional Buying Methods

Lyll offers competitive rates for online newspaper ad placement compared to traditional buying methods, and also compared to social media.

Yes, that is correct! Our CPM is often similar to Meta.

And you do the publishing yourselv and follow the results live. No agency needed.

You are in control.

Measuring the Success of Your Online Newspaper Ads

Impressions is what matters! Visability is what drives growth, not clicks.

In the dashboard you can follow:

  • Impressions: The number of times your ad was viewed by readers.
  • Click-through rate (CTR): Calculate the percentage of readers who clicked on your ad.

Adding a UTM to your analytic tool, you can also learn:

  • Conversion rate: Measure the percentage of readers who completed a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form.
  • Return on investment (ROI): Determine the financial return on your ad investment by comparing the cost of the ad placement to the revenue generated.
  • A/B testing: Create different campaigns in Lyll and test different variations to determine which performs best and optimize your future campaigns.

You are most likely monitoring these metrics already. Keep analyzing the data available and continue gaining insights into the effectiveness of your ads and ROI. Do you think your ROI will increase if you add online newspapers to you marketing mix?

Tools and Techniques for Tracking Performance

Not everything can be tracked and analyzed. That would simply not be good marketing, but there are several tools to track the performance of your online newspaper ads:

  • Tracking pixels: These are small snippets of code that can be included in your ad design to track user interactions, such as clicks and conversions.
  • UTM parameters: These are tags that can be added to the URL of your ad to track traffic and conversions in Google Analytics or other tracking platforms.
  • Conversion tracking: Set up conversion tracking in your advertising platform to measure specific actions taken by users, such as form submissions or purchases.
  • Analytics platforms: Utilize platforms like Google Analytics to track website traffic, user behavior, and conversion data.

By using these tools you can gain valuable insights and see if you reach your goals (KPI).